Pure Audio said;

‘Getting the elusive consumer-grade quality at reasonable cost’

The client need

Gary Morrison and Ross Stevens of Pure Audio were looking for a high quality chassis for their high-end audio amplifier for international markets, without breaking the bank.

As the products are sold into a specialist niche to customers who are passionate about music, quality is paramount in all aspects so the surface finish had to look 100% close-up.

They’d been disappointed and frustrated with New Zealand engineering companies who said it was ‘too hard’ and expensive to produce such a fine finish, and the ‘industrial finish’ was all they could do – ‘take it or leave it’.
Then they found Metco and got a different story …

The Metco experience in the client’s words

“We talked to Brent who really understood what we were trying to achieve and bought into the quality we were looking for… a breath of fresh air.

He was actually interested in chatting to explore what could be done, and we appreciated his availability considering how successful and busy he is.

He suggested some new approaches using their machine capability to produce what we needed cost-effectively. (Although a hand-finish would have produced a good surface, it wouldn’t be consistent and the labour would make it uneconomical).

With a bit more brain-storming together, we came up with smart solutions.

Brent took on board an idea from Ross, our industrial designer, to use the triangle-shaped offcuts from the chassis to make heat-sinks – an efficient and waste-minimising scheme that has worked well for us.

Metco have been very responsive to our need for regular smaller quantity orders, which helps us manage our cash flow and storage requirements. Their delivery times are predictable and consistent, as is the quality of the product.

The outcome

“We are extremely happy to have discovered Metco who provide a high quality product at a reasonable workable cost.

It’s great to have local sourcing for materials, with immediate access and communication if there are any problems. We now have a seamless network right from suppliers through to distributors and end-customers.

Metco’s ‘modern’ approach to business and customer relationships is spot-on, as is their total commitment to doing whatever’s required to make things work. Our experience is a real endorsement of them.”